
Tuesday, April 25, 2017

Vancouver Cleaning Services Offer Advice on Keeping Electronics Clean

Living in the digital age means you are always surrounded by electronic gadgetry. Smartphones, tablets, laptops—it seems that everyone is in a constant race to keep up with the media world, whether in the home or office. That said, you must always take proper care of your electronic devices to ensure their optimal performance and longevity. Whether you prefer to hire a Vancouver house cleaning service or take on the task yourself, here are handy tips to know to keep your electronics performing their best.
Dust is basically the nemesis of every electronic device you own. Dust has an uncanny way of getting into a device’s most sensitive connections, and once it accumulates, it can eventually render buttons ineffective, and cause device cooling fans to malfunction. Remember that a non-operational fan can lead to overheating, and this issue can cause massive electronic damage if left unchecked. Read more from this blog:

Wednesday, April 5, 2017

Vancouver Office Cleaning Services Debunks 4 Green Cleaning Myths

As the world increases its focus on sustainability, the phrase ‘green cleaning’ has become a more popular term. As with anything popular, plenty of myths surround green cleaning that prevent many corporate offices from enjoying its immense benefits. If you’re skeptical about green cleaning, Vancouver cleaning services want to share with you what’s worth believing.

Myth #1: Green Cleaning is costlier than traditional cleaning

True, green cleaning products were quite expensive when they first came out, but as green cleaning technologies and methods improved, this is no longer the case today. Products are more efficient and effective than ever, are readily available, and often times more affordable than traditional cleaning products. Read more from this blog.